Children travelERS
Little travelers across the globeLittle eco-travellers
Kids are natural and grateful travellers. Their needs are small compared to those of grown-ups, they don’t require any special conveniences, they show a natural curiosity for what goes on around them. They also love to be outdoors, like camping, watching animals in the wild, searching for hidden treasures and counting stars…
Children are great at breaking down cultural barriers, they bring us closer to people we meet along the way, oftentimes it’s thanks to them that we get to feel the climate of the place or end up in an engaging and memorable conversation.
Children are keenly aware of their surroundings and they pay attention to details which are often invisible to the adult eye. When you’re on a trip with children, you see the world through their lenses, a world that’s more diverse, colorful and unpredictable.
When travelling with your youngsters, you don’t necessarily need to go to far away, exotic places. Even a weekend outing – in the countryside, to a forest, by the lakeside, biking trip, a walk to a museum or to a fair organized close to you – is a great reason to take them with you.